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DOUGIEBASE Amiga 512K page 1
Documentation : Doug Dyer Victoria B.C. April 23,1987.
DOUGIE BASE is a database program which allows the user to
create his own databases using a horizontal format with either
automatic or custom spacing between field headings in the
title bar.The program allows dumping of data to the printer or
disk, changing records, adding or deleting records, and the
capability to search or sort records.Records are maintained in
files of one hundred records at a time, with an automatic
retrieval method for bringing in subsequent files in the same
database.Searches are global allowing record searches over all
the related files in the database.The searched information may
then be dumped to its own separate file for later retrieval when
necessary.The number of files in each database, and therefore
the number of records, is limited only by the memory capacity of
the disk.You will need a pre-formatted blank disk to use as a
file disk (data disk) in drive 1 or 0. It is recommended that
data be saved to a separate file disk, rather than the DOUGIE
BASE program disk.The program is presently set up to use the
external drive for the data disk, and the internal drive for the
program disk.
LOAD INSTRUCTIONS: (Auto load at WB prompt or load from
AmigaBasic ,or double-click on the "dbloader" ICON on the
WORKBENCH.) Insert the program disk into drive 0 at the
Workbench prompt.If loading from BASIC ,after Amigabasic appears
on screen,at the "OK" prompt in the output window,type 'clear
,100000 <return>' and then type 'run "dougiebase"<return>'.(Do
not type the single quotes ,only the double quotes).The
DOUGIEBASE main menu should appear on screen.
THE MENU: The menu items are as follows:
DOUGIEBASE Amiga 512K page 2
These items will be discussed in the order they appear on the
menu.DOUGIEBASE allows menu items to be selected from the menu
bar with the mouse and clicking on the appropriate items.The
menu however is designed to primarily facilitate keyboard use.
After checking that the file disk is in the appropriate drive
press return at the waiting prompt.You will then be asked to
enter the number of the drive containing the data disk.Enter 1
or 0.Pressing <RETURN> defaults to the external drive.At the
directory prompt press <RETURN>.This locks in the current
directory as the root directory.If the database is in any
directory other than root enter the directory name at this point
and then press <RETURN>. Enter the name of the database at the
next prompt.You will then be asked to enter the file number.If
you want to see the first 100 records entered in the database
enter '1'.If you know the data you seek is in the second group
of 100 records then enter '2'.Note that after the first group of
100 records are brought in that DOUGIEBASE will automatically
link in the following files in the database at the press of a
key.Just follow the prompt at the end of the viewing screen.(see
VIEW DATA below.)
After entering data you will want to make a permanent record of
the information.Choosing the SAVE option dumps the data to
disk.The data is automatically saved to the current filename of
the database in memory.This filename is created at the time of
creation of the database when the headings and other information
relative to the specific database are entered.(See FORMAT NEW
DATABASE below.)After every addition of new records to the
database the SAVE option must be used to retain the new data for
future access.If SAVE is used after a sort the original order of
the records will be lost as SAVE dumps data under the original
To obtain a hardcopy of the records in the database select
PRINTER.Note that the printer driver must be set up previously
from PREFERENCES.Single or double line spacing may be chosen
from within the program at each printout.The program allows
hardcopy during the read notes section and for a search.(See
NOTES and SEARCH below)."Prompt" warnings occur for first use of
print option to warn user to turn printer on.If the "Printer
trouble !" Alert appears and the printer is not brought online
at this point before continuing, the program may crash. If the
printer option is chosen and the printer is not online,there
will be a few seconds delay before the PRINTER TROUBLE ALERT
appears at the top of the screen.
DOUGIEBASE Amiga 512K page 3
This exits DOUGIEBASE and returns to basic.An escape option is
This exits DOUGIEBASE and returns to CLI.
This will be the initial option choice used to create a database
from scratch. Place a formatted disk in the appropriate drive.
(drive one if using two drives). This will be the file disk,
which will include data files numbered in sequential order, as
well as files which contain formatting information about the
particular database, such as headings, math formulas, etc.
The user will be asked to choose UNIFORM or VARIABLE
format.UNIFORM format automatically divides the heading or title
bar into an evenly distributed arrangement of fields.DOUGIEBASE
uses a page width of 76 characters and if a database of five
fields is created the titles and column width of the fields are
automatically formatted to a width of 15 characters each,
without the user having to count out spaces etc.If the option of
using 30 characters for the first field in a UNIFORM format is
chosen then the first field is 30 characters wide and the
remainder of the title bar and field widths will be equally
partitioned automatically.(i.e. for five fields total the
remaining four fields will each be 11 characters wide --- 76-30
= 46 divide by 4 = 11).
If the VARIABLE format option is chosen the user creates the
length of fields by visually customizing the title bar to suit
his specific requirements.The title bar is shown on screen as it
is being created to allow for immediate assessment of the field
width and space separation between titles.The user is allowed to
make changes as he proceeds.The VARIABLE format option also has
the added advantage of an "intelligent vocabulary" of three
words which, when used in the title bar, allow certain automatic
formatting options.When either ' COST' ,' VALUE' , or ' TOTAL'
is used in the title bar, the user is automatically asked to
select 5 or 6 digit widths for use in math calculations.This
space is then automatically allotted.When the records are listed
the numbers in these titled columns will be formatted with
automatic right justification,2 decimal points, and preceded by
the dollar sign. Note that the dollar sign is added by
DOUGIEBASE.It does not have to be typed during data entry.'
TOTAL' gives an automatic total tally, for the numbers in the "
TOTAL" column, at the end of all the record listings after
viewing.This feature is available for all but the ACCUMULATE or
DOUGIEBASE Amiga 512K page 4
DECUMULATE math functions.(See MATH FUNCTIONS below).Note the
space preceding the intelligent word.If 'COST' is entered
instead of ' COST' the automatic format feature is not
engaged.Note that the single quotes are not typed,just the space
and the letters C O S T.
When entering field titles the maximum width of the title bar is
76 characters. If this width is exceeded DOUGIEBASE
automatically terminates field title entry.If you wish to
terminate field title entry prior to reaching the maximum title
bar width just enter '*' and press <return>.
There is a maximum limit of 10 fields per record.Records are
dumped to disk in groups of 100 in sequential files which are
automatically sequentially numbered to allow for automatic
linking of files in each database.Therefore,the number of
records per database is only limited by available disk space.
During the creation of a database you are given the opportunity
of testing the headings on the printer before committing to your
final title bar.
You will be asked if you wish to make changes to the
headings.The headings for each field may be changed
individually at this point without having to change the whole
title bar.Just enter the number of the field you wish to
change.However, only the spelling of the field title may be
changed on an individual basis,not the field length.Should you
wish to change the field length,you must type "0" at the CHANGE
WHICH FIELD ? prompt.This allows you to change the whole title
bar,including the field lengths.
During the database creation process a prompt will ask if you
want to use the MATH FUNCTIONS. You must make this choice during
creation of the database.Otherwise, later entries cannot take
advantage of calculation fields.DOUGIEBASE does not allow the
changing of field titles or adding of math functions after the
creation of the database.MATH FUNCTION choices are ACCUMULATE,
prompt for designation of which fields will hold the data for
the specific math function.ACCUMULATE allows a field to be
chosen for numerical data to be automatically added to the
numerical data in the corresponding field of the next record and
the accumulated total to be held in a designated total
field.This accumulated total is tallied record by
record.DECUMULATE subtracts numerical data record by record.The
other math functions do as indicated.You must designate which
fields will hold which data.Just follow the prompts.For example
if you choose the ADD math function, DOUGIEBASE will ask you
DOUGIEBASE Amiga 512K page 5
which field you want to hold the addendum, which field to add
with, and which field to put the total or calculation result
DOUGIEBASE is no substitute for a spreadsheet.You are allowed to
do mathematical operations on only two fields, with the
calculation result in a third field.Some tricks can be used to
functionally increase the fields of operation.For example,if you
want to make a list of COSTS in field 2 and a percent surcharge
in field 3 and want to have the "added" result of this
calculation in field 4, you should enter the percent as 100 +
percent fraction so the result of the multiplication calculation
in field 4 represents the new cost after the percent surcharge
is added on.(Use 1.3 instead of just .3 to represent 30
percent.)Incidentally,if you wish all these "new costs" to be
tallied as a TOTAL at the end of the record listing,don't forget
to use the intelligent field heading " TOTAL" for field 4.(or
whichever is the appropriate field).
A PROTECTION option is also provided.If you wish to store
private data enter"Y" at the"PROTECT DATABASE ?" prompt.You will
then be asked to enter a password for future access to this
database.The data from a protected database will not be allowed
to be loaded into memory until the user reenters the correct
At this point DOUGIEBASE asks for a filename for the
database.Enter the filename you wish to use for future
access.DOUGIEBASE automatically appends the number '1' to the
filename for the first group of 100 records in file 1 of the
named database and as the next group of 100 records is added
DOUGIEBASE automatically adds sequential numbers to the files
for linking all the files in the named database.After the
creation of the title bar DOUGIEBASE will then allow you to
enter individual record data field by field.
This is an identical option to create new database.
To add more records to an existing database choose this
option.You are asked to enter the record data, field by
field.First you must have loaded the database into memory with
the LOAD option from the menu.You will first be asked if you
want REPEAT ENTRY MODE ?Choosing repeat entry allows retrieval
of previously entered data to automatically be entered in the
current field.Just press the shift '-' key(Shifted minus) to
step backwards through the previous entries and when the desired
data is reached press <return> to set the entry into that
current field.The next field is then brought up for data
DOUGIEBASE Amiga 512K page 6
entry.To cancel the repeat option just type any key instead of
the Shift minus.During data input just follow the prompts on
screen .Choose the available options as they present.
If you enter more than 100 records DOUGIEBASE automatically
creates the next file to hold the next group of 100 records.The
files will automatically be numbered sequentially.DOUGIEBASE
will also automatically save the first 100 records before
allowing you to begin entering the next 100.Note however that if
you are entering new data but the file does not contain 100
records it is up to the user to SAVE the new data entries to
disk, as otherwise, this information will be lost for future
This option allows previously entered records to be deleted from
the database. The list of record titles or first field entries
will be scrolled on the screen.The number of the record to be
deleted is then entered at the appropriate prompt.This record
title is matched with an INDEX file and if the record is found
the deletion will proceed.You will be shown the complete record
and given an opportunity to cancel the deletion process.If the
record is not in the database an error message "RECORD NOT
FOUND." will appear and you will be returned to the main menu.
CORRECTIONS can be made to previously entered
records.Corrections can be made by individual field or the
entire record can be changed.Just follow the onscreen
prompts.The corrected version can then be saved to disk or you
can return to the main menu.
DOUGIEBASE allows additional notes to be written or retreived
for each record. A separate notes menu will appear after the
record to be worked with is selected.When choosing the notes
option you will be given the opportunity to use the current
database in memory or to load in a different database.The record
may be selected by either hitting the space bar followed by
<RETURN> as the desired record scrolls by on the screen, or by
directly entering the name of the record (field 1) at the
appropriate prompt.Not all the letters of the first field need
be entered if you start the search title with an '*'.However,
the first few letters must be entered in sequential order
according to their original entry.If the record is selected from
the scrolling screen hit space bar as the desired record
appears,then hit <RETURN>.If you overshoot there is an option on
the subsequently appearing menu that allows you to backtrack
through the list or to advance forward in the list.Hit <RETURN>
DOUGIEBASE Amiga 512K page 7
to enter the record. Just follow the prompts.
When this is selected from the notes menu the previously
selected record will be loaded in from disk.If the note is
PROTECTED you will be asked to enter the password before you can
read the record.After the record is loaded in you are given the
opportunity to make a hardcopy of the record note.Press the
space bar to read in the next record or choose to select a
different record.Just follow the onscreen prompts.
The selected record will be printed to the screen and a cursor
will appear below the prompt WRITE NOTES.DOUGIEBASE allows a
maximum of 5 lines to be entered as notes for each record.If you
type the word 'protect' in either upper or lower case on the
first line as the first entry after the write notes prompt,
DOUGIEBASE will ask you to enter a password to secure the note
from unauthorized access later.This uses one line of the
designated note space so only 4 lines of notes can be entered in
a protected record note.The password entered in the notes
section is specific to each individual protected note.
The backspace key is active to make corrections of typing
errors.At the end of each line (maximum of 76 characters) the
cursor is automatically returned to the next line.Wordwrap is
automatically engaged in the WRITE NOTES section.When finished,
press <return> to enter the note.After entry you will be asked
if you want to make any corrections.Follow onscreen prompts.
If this is the first time you have accessed the notes section
for this particular database, DOUGIEBASE will ask you if you
want to PREFORMAT the notes file before writing any notes.This
has the advantage of better organized notes retreival.For
example, if you ask to read a note for a record which, as yet,
has no notes written to it, DOUGIEBASE will inform you that no
notes are written on this record.Without preformatting,
DOUGIEBASE will attempt to load in the nonexistent note and put
5 lines of garbage on the screen.No harm done but preformatting
is worth it! A preformatted note file also allows random entry
of notes.Otherwise, notes must be written to the records in
sequential order.To do otherwise will result in overwriting of
the first record's notes.Preformatting takes approximately 5
minutes.Remember to use the same file disk as the original
database was stored on.Once the notes file has been preformtted
DOUGIEBASE will not ask you to preformat on subsequent accesses
of this particular database.
There is an option to CORRECT or DELETE notes in the notes menu
screen.Just follow the on screen prompts.
DOUGIEBASE Amiga 512K page 8
Choosing this option from the main menu prints to the screen all
the records in memory for the previously loaded database..The
scroll can be stopped by hitting the space bar.Hit space bar
again to continue.If you wish to terminate the listing prior to
reaching the end just hit any key during the scroll and the
listing will stop.If the file is full (i.e. 100 records) you
will then be asked if you want to link in the next file.If so
press "Y" and the next file in the database will automatically
be loaded in.You are given the opportunity to load in the
subsequent files for this particular database in any order by
entering the desired file number at the prompt.
This is a handy utility which allows you to see at a glance
particular information about the database in memory.If you
forget what fields were chosen for what math functions the
parameter screen will refresh your memory.It also indicates the
number of records in the file and the memory left for further
DOUGIEBASE allows searches in any of the fields.You may also
specify a "global" search.The "*" is used to enter a wildcard
for search.For example, if you want to pull all the records
called "A LOST RECORD" but only know that the word "LOST" is in
the record, just type '*LOST*'(don't type the quotes) at the
prompt and DOUGIEBASE will pull out all the records containing
the word "LOST" in the specified search field.The ']' square
bracket allows wildcard searches for records which end the
designated search field with the searched for characters.For
example, if you want to pull all the records which end with the
characters "XXX" in field two, just choose field two for the
search and enter ']XXX' at the appropriate prompt.(Don't type
the quotes).
If you wish a global search for a specified item in all records
of the database press "Y" at the "GLOBAL SEARCH ?" prompt and
continue entering the desired search criteria as
above.DOUGIEBASE will then load in each subsequent 100 record
file in the data base retreiving the records containing the
requested search item for the entire database.You will then be
given the opportunity of printing the globally retreived items
to the screen, or dump them to printer or to a special file on
disk.Both GLOBAL and non-global searches may be dumped to the
printer during the process of the search.Again just follow the
DOUGIEBASE Amiga 512K page 9
The sort option allows sorts in any field in either ascending or
descending order.The progress of the sort is continually updated
on screen.Once the sort is completed DOUGIEBASE automatically
returns you to the main menu.To view the sorted records just
select the VIEW DATA ON SCREEN option from the menu.The sorted
record list will then be displayed.If you SAVE this file, note
that the original "unsorted" record list will be replaced by the
sorted list under the same filename as the original.
To load in DOUGIEBASE there must be about 196K in system
memory.Also the program requires 100000 bytes of data space in
BASIC.Therefore, if loading from BASIC, type 'clear ,100000' in
the output window of basic.DOUGIEBASE also requires 80 columns
to be set from preferences.The printer column widths must also
be set to LEFT MARGIN 2 ,RIGHT MARGIN 80 in the printer screen
of preferences.
A.Douglas Dyer
1004 Spiritwood Place